Helene KHLOT
Head of Finance & Operations
855 (0)12 21 79 21



As the Head of Operations at Confluences, Helene has a secret - she is also a record-breaking academic! In 2017, Helene was the Worldwide Top Scorer for CAT Exam Paper FAU (Foundations in Audit) scoring 87 - and for this amazing feat, Helene was whisked off London as a CamEd representative to visit ACCA Headquarters!

She is the holder of multiple degrees in accounting and finance and holds a Bachelor in English in Professional Communication - but why we adore Helene - is her love of exploring new places. When soaking up nature, she also flexes her skills in photography,  and better yet, she is our resident foodie who loves to sample a range of cuisines.

As a Battambang native, who speaks Khmer and English fluently, Helene also has learned to speak the French language and is even taking refresher classes. It’s this drive that excels her as a Project Management leader and her abilities as a confident negotiator means she balances multiple projects with key stakeholders - we would be lost without her!

#ACCA #finance #accounting #audit #projectmanagement #confluences